New season New Direction

Back after vacation

I am back, and it is time to start season four of A Swedish Fika. I hope you are as excited as I am. But I must confess, it started with some struggle on my behalf. After my short vacation over Thanksgiving, I came home energized to start working again, but not much in life comes easy, and my computer crashed. I now have a new computer, but if you ever had to start working on a new one, you know how much work it is to get everything re-installed and set up as you need it to be.
That said, I am now ready to get to work, and this episode, even though on the shorter side, is an introduction to how I am thinking about this upcoming season. I hope you will enjoy it.

Comparing Sweden and the US

This season I want to do more of a comparison between my two countries, Sweden and the US, in many different areas. This first episode is an introduction where I talk about an article in Business Insider from 2019 by Ariel Kramer titled  I’m an American who lived in Sweden for 5 years — here are the biggest cultural differences between the 2 countries. This inspires me to do more comparisons in different areas such as work environments, schools, family life, and so forth. If you have any specific areas you would like for me to do a comparison between, please send me an email.

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