Another week

I missed posting both Tuesday and Thursday so in today’s post I will try to sum up the week that passed and what is coming up tomorrow. I really hope that this week was an exception and my life will be back on track again so this lack of posting doesn’t repeat itself.

Am I just lazy?

You might ask that question and the answer is absolute no. Me, not posting has nothing to do with not wanting to put in the work, I have actually worked harder than before to get things together both when it comes to a Swedish Fika, and my other engagements, but sometimes life just gets in the way.
So let me take a quick look back at what happened after I uploaded episode 3 about the silent Swede.

All three episodes are still getting downloaded, and viewed, both the audio and video format, and I am very happy about that. The audio version is doing better than the video version, and I get surprisingly many downloads on this website.
If I look at my statistic in Buzzsprout I have in these 3 weeks got more than 100 downloads, which to me is overwhelming. And it is really hard to compare statistics from YouTube and Buzzsprout since I also make this short videos on YouTube about the Swedish language.

I have also, finally, got my newsletter set up correctly and sent out the October newsletter with information about my upcoming episodes. If you want to sign up and get my next newsletter use the form over to the right, or if you are on mobile scroll down.

Next episode

Which is coming tomorrow, and is episode #4 I can’t believe it, is a closer look at the law of Jante which I mentioned in my last episode. This unwritten law can explain many of the Swedish (and Scandinavian) traits and behavior, and I for one have really had to re-evaluate a lot of my way of thinking after moving to the US. Sweden and the USA are polar opposites when it comes to things like self-promotion and making yourself stand out, and it has not been an easy transition in any way, and I am still struggling with the effects of the law of Jante in many of the things I do. I hope this episode can help you understand why we are the way we are from a very different perspective.

I am also busy recording all the episodes for October, and I must say it is getting so much easier every time I turn on my camera and my microphone, I feel more relaxed, and I have a better understanding of the audio technology. Editing my audio episodes has been so much easier to do after just four weeks, and it is so much fun.
The only real problem has been that I get tired of listening to myself after a while, especially if I try to edit both the audio and the video version of the same episode on the same day. So now I try to mix it up so I for example edit episode 5 for audio and episode 6 for video on one day, and then the other way around the next day. It has helped my tolerance to listen to myself somewhat better, but this is still my biggest hurdle to get a lot of editing done in one day.

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