Can’t seem to get things together
I am so sorry, but no excuses, I just seem to get overwhelmed, and having too many things I want to do and posting here slips away from me. I have the intention of posting here Tuesday, Thursday, and of course, my show notes on Mondays when the new episodes are published, but somehow times just disappear.
Does anyone else relate?
And then I get hard on myself for missing a post or missing an upload, and that gets me even more frustrated and unorganized, and the negative spiral starts turning. No matter how much I try to set up my schedule and write little notes to myself, things slip between the cracks, and I can’t stand that.
But as I said, no excuses, and no looking back. There are no real excuses for this happening, but there might be an explanation or two.
First of all, I am a squirrel brain, and if things aren’t written down or scheduled I have a tendency to forget and miss them.
Secondly, this squirrel brain of mine never stop coming up with new ideas and thoughts about things I want to create, which often sends me down the rabbit hole that the internet can be, and I start researching and looking for ways to get those ideas from my brain into a reality, instead of keeping my focus on the projects I am currently working on.
Last episode and the next
Let me at least try and some up what should have been two blog posts this week.
First, let’s look at the last episode The Drunk Swede, it has been the most popular episode in its first seven days so far, which shows me that the podcast is getting noticed by some people. The numbers are still low, but that is expected for a new podcast, but I am still impressed by them. The fact that 24 people have downloaded an episode from a new podcast talking about how Swedes behave when they get drunk is mindboggling to me. An additional five people have watched the video version on YouTube and maybe some additional viewers here on the website which is even more surprising to me.
Tomorrow, Monday, my next episode is breing published and the topic this week is the stereotypical ways of describing how us Swedes look, tall, blond, blue-eyed, and beautiful.
I will talk about where that stereotype come from and what the reality behind it is.
Now, on to the future
OK, enough of me ranting about my shortcomings, let’s get moving and start to work on next week. I hope I will be more organized in the future, and that this will be the last time I have to write a post like this. I need to get myself into a schedule that works for me, stop letting my squirrel brain distract me with all these new ideas, and focus on the things I already have in the works.
I hope you will enjoy tomorrows episode, and many more after that one……..
as we say in Sweden
Hej då (bye)