Moving to a new country also means being exposed to different holidays and traditions. Simultaneously you might leave some behind that you will really, really miss. So in today’s episode, I will talk about some of my new favorite holidays and traditions here in the US and some that I […]
Individual episodes and notes
Intro Today, we will explore the criminal justice systems in Sweden and the United States. The criminal justice system is a complex network of institutions, laws, and practices that the government uses to keep people safe from crime and to ensure that those who break the law are punished fairly. […]
Higher Education in Sweden A General Overview Sweden is known for its strong higher education system and is rated as one of the countries with the highest student satisfaction globally. The country’s educational philosophy strongly emphasizes egalitarian sustainability and critical thinking. This is reflected in the structure of higher education […]
I am sorry to say that there will be no episode this week. I have a bad cold, and my voice will not allow me to record. I wish you all a great week, and I will be back Monday, February 6, with an episode comparing higher education in Sweden and […]
In today’s episode, I look at how Sweden and the US handle the concept of work-life balance. I will focus on five aspects; work culture, flexible work conditions, vacation, sick leave, and parental leave.Access to paid time off and the ability to rebalance work and life are crucial to creating […]
Today I will talk about, compare and contrast, and give you my commentary on two cultural norms that, in many ways, have formed the social and political climate in Sweden and the US. And the two are The Law of Jante in Sweden and the American Dream in the US.
A comparison of the healthcare systems in Sweden and the US, looking at the governments involvement, costs for the state and the individual, , types of services, and a comparison in pure numbers.
What Demographics Can Show US A country’s demographical profile can provide valuable insights into its population and societal makeup. By examining factors such as age, gender, and ethnic makeup, we can better understand a country’s strengths and challenges, as well as its potential for growth and development. One example of […]
Back after vacation I am back, and it is time to start season four of A Swedish Fika. I hope you are as excited as I am. But I must confess, it started with some struggle on my behalf. After my short vacation over Thanksgiving, I came home energized to […]