So today I am looking back, and I am going to share some statistics and numbers with you but regardless of what the numbers say I am very happy with these results. The response I have gotten from my friends are overwhelmingly positive, and my own feeling as I continue to work just gets better and better. I start to feel a little more comfortable with the podcast format, and I don’t get so stressed out when recording.
But as I said, let’s share some numbers;
Episode two of A Swedish Fika is called Sweden is not Switzerland and has now been public for four days. The results so far in numbers have been OK. The audio version has so far had 15 downloads, and the video has been viewed 23 times. But as always with videos, many of those views did just watch a minute or so. I can’t tell how many watched the whole episode.
It looks like I have audio listeners from the US, Russia, and Ireland as the top three, for the YouTube version there are no numbers for the country as of yet.
If I look at the audio version as a whole, not just the latest episode, I have a total of 73 downloads included the short promo I did, and 20% of those come from this website using the embedded player. Over half of those are in the US, with Canada and Sweden in split second place.
What happens on the website?
This website has gotten more attraction lately, which I am very happy about. I have started to get some subscriptions to my newsletter, and I just finished composing the October newsletter tonight. If you are interested in subscribing you can use the form either on the right side of this post or at the bottom of the page.
I have also seen some increased views on my Facebook page, but not as much as on this website, but I am in no hurry and taking it one step at a time. I have found a flow that works well for me when it comes to how much and what to post here in the blog, and I am still working out some kinks when it comes to other things I want to include, such as a better system for doing polls.
What is next?
If you read my blog post on Tuesday you know that the upcoming episode is about the silent Swede, and I am actually pleased with this episode, more than the first two. That is partly thanks to me being more comfortable when recording, and partly to the content itself.
For October I will focus on misconceptions about us Swedes, and talk about topics that can be more “controversial” and interesting, like sex and alcohol.
For this website, I will continue working on adding more interactive functions like discussion forums, polls, and Q&A, but I rather take it slow and make it work correctly.