Getting very close now

Today it is exactly two weeks until my podcast goes public. I am very excited and feel like I am pretty well prepared. Today I finished up the video for episode one on YouTube, and the audio version is up and scheduled since yesterday. I have created an audiogram to use starting next week for social media to create some interest.
I am very lucky to have wonderful friends from YouTube, that have been a part of listening and giving me tips along the way. I also had one of my friends record the intro for my podcast, Thank You, Will!!!

Switching mindset is not easy

One of the hardest things with starting a podcast after two years of video creation is the change in mindset that is necessary. It is really not easy to leave the visual element behind, and still be able to create the right mood and use words that help people create their own images in their mind as they are listening.
I am far from there yet, and on YouTube, the saying is you need to create your first 100 (crappy) videos before you get the hang on it, and I will use the same analogy for A Swedish Fika. If I haven’t found the correct mindset after 100 episodes I will rethink if podcasting is for me, but until then I will keep on learning and developing my skills.

Not been posting as much as I have hoped to

I haven’t posted as many updates as I wanted to do initially, but I have used the time well. One thing I have done is putting a lot of work into this website, and I hope you have seen that I have a mailing list where I will share things like upcoming episodes, behind-the-scenes information, and other important information.
Hopefully, when I get everything up and running and the first episodes are on air I can spend more time here in the blog.

Back to work

Now it is time for me to get back to work. Two weeks is not a very long time, and there is still a lot of work to be done, and I love every minute of it.