Season 2 of A Swedish Fika is around the corner, and there will be a few changes. First of all, I want to make this season more personal, more from my point of view, and tell more about my own experience both from Sweden and from the US.
To do so, I think it is just fair to start with a more personal introduction of who I am, which is the purpose of this trailer. A way for you to know a little bit more about me as a person.
No more YouTube
I have also decided to not upload to YouTube this season. The time and effort it takes to create the videos is not worth it if I take a look at how few views the videos get. Instead, I want to put that time into creating better audio episodes.
I will let the channel stay up, and one thought I have is to maybe do some live streams on the channel when I have an interesting topic that is the right one for live streaming.
Maybe invite guests in the future
I am also working on finding some interesting guests for upcoming podcast episodes, both Americans that have experienced Sweden first hand, Americans with Swedish heritage, and Swedes that have experienced the USA. At this point nothing is definite, and if any of you are interested in being a guest and you fit into any of these categories I would love to hear from you. You can send me an email PixelPia@aswedishfika.com
How you can help
I am really excited to start the second season of A Swedish Fika, but looking back I also realize that I still have so much to learn about podcasting. And who can teach me better than You, my listeners, so if you would take a minute or so out of your time to give me some of your thoughts I would appreciate it. Anything from topics you would like me to talk about, what you like so far, and what you don’t like. Any and all information will help me improve.
There are a few ways to contact me;
You can send me an email pixelpia@aswedishfika.com
or you can sign up for my newsletter using the form in the right margin.
I also have a form for suggestions that you can use.
And of course, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all as A Swedish Fika.
I hope to see you January 10, 2022, for episode 1 of season 2