Norse Mythology

The sagas of the Vikings

Until this day I can vividly remember third grade in Sweden when we started the Vikings I was fascinated with the mythology the stories about how the world and the humans were created and the stories about the gods the Giants and all other beings and today I want to share some of those stories with you.
I will tell you the sagas about how the cosmos was created, the first humans, Ask and Embla, and how they believed the world was constructed and organized.

The Gods

Of course, I can’t make an episode of the Norse mythology without talking about the Norse gods, and I will start with Odin, the one-eyed all-father. I will also talk about his wife, the head goddess, Frigg, and their son Balder. Other gods I will talk about in this episode are Thor, Freya, and Loki.
I will give you a very simplified description of them and some of the sagas surrounding them, but there is much more to tell about the gods themselves and their adventures, so if you are interested in more episodes on this theme leave me a comment on this post, or join A Swedish Fika’s discord server where you can have a direct impact on future episodes.

Ragnarok – the end of the world

My final story of today will be about Raknarok, the end of the world, as the Vikings believed it to play out. This will be the ending of everything as we know it, and leave just a big emptiness and darkness in its place, or will it?
In this episode, I will give you a summary of Ragnarok, but this is a very descriptive saga of the worst terrors you can imagine, and if I was to tell the story as I remember it, it would have to be for adults only.

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