I am back at it again, starting a podcast, and this time I feel so much more prepared. I have done so many tutorials on my YouTube channel about podcasting, and I have really focused on learning as much as I can about audio and audio editing. I feel ready for this…….
What am I doing?
My first step was to decide my content, which was really easy. In comparison to creating videos, which I have done for a long time now, this needed to be more of storytelling where the visual wasn’t important, something I knew well, and could talk about for a long time. So I decided on talking about being Swedish.
I know, that doesn’t sound very interesting. But after moving to, and living in the US for 18 years at this point I have realized that we Swedes have some very strange and peculiar behavior, that might need some explaining. I have also some quite fun and now, with some time gone by, laughable experiences that I would love to share with the world.
So with that decided I came up with the title A Swedish Fika, something very typical Swedish.
So where am I in the preparation?
I have done a lot so far. I have episode topics planned for the rest of this year. I have several episodes recorded, and halfway edited. I have set up all my social media, that is a Facebook page, a Twitter account, Instagram, and also a YouTube channel, because I will publish as a video as well. And of course, I am working on getting this website up and running as soon as I can. I have also a friend recording a general intro for all the podcast episodes, and just waiting for it to arrive which will be tomorrow.
Right now I feel very happy with where I am at, and I think that I can stick to my plan of releasing my first episode on September 5th. I am planning one episode per week, and as I said I have planned for the rest of the year, and have an endless list of topics to cover after that.
What I am not done with
Of course, there are things that are far from ready. I still have to prepare some material to drop on social media when we get closer to the release date to create some interest. All I have done so far is this little spoiler
First spoiler
I also have lots of recording and editing to do and find the right music to use. But for every episode, I edit I learn a lot and the next one gets easier.
So what will this website include?
The thought behind this is that I can offer some extra material around the topic of each episode for those who are interested. I also want to have a place where you who chose to listen can connect with me and maybe even other listeners.
This website will be added on to as time goes, but as a start, I will write my blog posts, add a newsletter for those who subscribe, and (fingers crossed) get some extra material exclusive for my subscribers to listen to.