So the website is up and running

I didn’t intend to get it up already, made a mistake, but now it is up so I better run with it.
I am very excited about this project but there is so much to learn still. Luckily I have friends that are very enthusiastic for me and that support me every step of the way. You know who you are and I am thankful for your support.

Starting to feel nervous

It is always a bit scary when the launch day for a new project is getting closer, and this time is no exception. Although I feel that I have a grip on things to do, it seems like everything takes so much longer than I anticipated. Time flies, especially when you do things you like.
I will just take a deep breath, start working on the list of things I have left to do, and just focus on the task at hand. If I start looking at the whole list I will just stress myself out, and for what? You can only do one thing at a time.

Late nights……

are my friends at the moment. It is very seldom I get in bed before 2 AM in the morning. The house is quiet and I can focus on the things I need to do. My coffee consumption is increasing, but what else is new, after all, I am Swedish. This is not fika in any way or form, this is more of chugging coffee to stay awake and stay focused, not any recharging insight.

….. but now I must get some sleep

so for tonight I say to you all, be kind to each other, support your friends, and hej då.

Coffee, my best friend
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