Social Media and Podcasting?!

Today my first of five social media posts went out for my upcoming launch of A Swedish Fika. This is the first time I have been this focused before a launch of anything.
But will it have any impact? I don’t know, and actually, it is not that important in the current stage. So why did I do all this?

How important is social media for a podcast?

I wish I had the answer, but I don’t. I have watched videos, read articles, and have done as much research I could on the topic, and the conclusion is it all depends. It depends on what your goal is for your podcast, how you interact with others on social media, where you post, and how the audience reacts to your posts.
So right now I am just “testing the waters” and trying to find what social media platforms give the best responses. All I can do, as a new podcaster, is try and try again.

What social media to use?

Right now my potential audience, at least in my mind, are probably people with either Swedish ancestry, or people that have plans on visiting Sweden. So I am thinking; where are these people? And who are they? I believe they are in the age group of 35 – 60, both male and female, maybe not too active on social media, and that they will probably listen to my podcast as they commute, in their car, or on a bus. So what social media platform do I think I can use to reach these people?
Before the podcast has started airing this is just guesses, but I think my biggest possibility to find that group of people is probably on Facebook, which will be my main focus. I also think, with the topic of the podcast it will do very well with images, so a second focus will therefore be on Instagram, where photos and stories can draw people’s attention.

So where does this website fit in?

I think that the value of having this website will come when I have a group of steady listeners, people that maybe want to learn more than the podcast episodes themselves can give. This can hopefully be a place for building a community, building relationships, and offering things that the podcast itself never will be able to do. It will not be the place where people find my podcast, not at all, it will be the place people find when they are familiar with the podcast. And when they do, I hope this can be the core for development and building new relationships with the podcast itself as a common core between us.

So why did I chose to do both audio and video?

I have created videos for youtube for almost two years now, without any greater success I have to admit, and video is something I really love. I also know that many people prefer the visual that comes with video, and video podcasts are becoming more and more popular. I don’t see it as competeing media, I rather think of it as the people that find my podcast on YouTube would probably never have found it as an audio podcast, so I don’t think it takes away any listeners, on the contrary I think it adds a group of people that never would have heard about A Swedish Fika if it wasn’t for YouTube.

Am I overthinking this?

Maybe I am, my mind just can’t stop trying to analyze different scenarios. I am right now just so eager to Sundy to come and get this on the road so to say. Hopefully I will not be to dissapointed when the ball starts rolling, even though I am rpeparing myself for the worst.
But now I need to get some sleep and let things work themeselves out.

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