Why so few posts?
I don’t know if I have told you this, but I have a couple of YouTube channels besides this podcast, one of them is a video version of A Swedish Fika. And right now I am trying to change my content on them, which takes a lot of my time. This is the reason why last week I only posted the show notes. Hopefully, I will soon find a rhythm that gets me back on track where I will post three times a week here, and until I do figure out a schedule that works I hope you will understand.

What is coming next?
We have had kings ruling the country since 1523, and historically they were powerful. Today is very different, Sweden has a constitutional monarchy, which means that the monarch’s duties are regulated by the constitution. According to the Swedish constitution, the King as Head of State is the country’s foremost representative and symbol. The King’s duties are primarily ceremonial and representative.
Nevertheless, Swedes are both indifferent and appreciative of the Royal family. So in my next episode, I will take a closer look at the current Swedish Royal family, who they are, and what they do.
They are in many ways both traditional and very modern, an interesting contradiction, just as Swedes strong believes in equality and at the same time can see the Royal family as a great representation of the country, even though it is a strong symbol of inheriting wealth, power and privileges.

Getting closer to the end of season 1
There are only 4 episodes left of season 1 until I will take a two-week break and evaluate and plan for season two. If you have any favorite topics or episodes from this very first season of A Swedish Fika I would love to hear from you. In this early stage of a podcast, you can have a great influence on how it will develop.
Some of my thoughts right now are;
- focus on comparison between Sweden and the US
- focus on Sweden of today
- do more historical episodes
- share more of my experiences as an immigrant to the US
there are so many directions this podcast can take, and the decision is ultimately yours, my listener, either by sharing your input here or by showing me in the statistics what type of episodes are most appreciated.
Of course, a podcast will constantly develop and change, but in this early stage, I think You as a listener will have a deeper possibility to impact the direction it will take.
2 thoughts on “What is going on?”
I love your podcast and really look forward to it. I just discovered that you do a YouTube version of the podcast too. I’d continue to listen to either video or audio.
I would love to know more about the Sweden of today, but one of my favourite episodes was “my first impressions of the us”. I like when you share personal stories. I’m a Canadian woman in my 30s and love learning about similarities and differences between cultures. I’d love to hear more about Swedish food, traditions and holidays like your Christmas episode. Looking forward to seeing how your content evolves.
Thank you so much. I will probably be more personal in the future, but will not stop doing some educational episodes. Right now I am planning for season two.