The opposite of the silent Swede
In my next episode, I want to talk about how we Swedes forget all about not thinking we are anything special, how we get loud and sometimes even obnoxious, and how we suffer from anxiety as the main ingredients in our hangovers. But I will also talk about how our relationship is ambivalent, how we on one hand never drink during the week and are almost expected to get drunk during the weekend.
Our ambivalent relationship to alcohol
Sweden has very strict rules for how alcohol can be sold, and one of the things that people visiting Sweden have a hard time with is systembolaget, the state-owned and controlled liquor store, and the restriction for when alcohol can be sold. We also have strict laws when it comes to drinking and driving, and drinking in public.
In this episode, I will talk about all aspects of Swedes relationship with alcohol, as well as give you some tips that can come in handy if you ever visit Sweden
But aren’t all drunk behaving like clowns?
Of course, we all react differently to alcohol, and most people are behaving quite differently when getting drunk. But what is so special about us Swedes is the very large difference between our sober, quiet, and sometimes almost invisible behavior, and how we act and react when we get drunk.
If you are curious about this topic, the episode will be available Monday October 4th both as an audio and a video episode.