Starting something new

Today I have started something new, and you are all invited!
I have created a discord server for A Swedish Fika.
What is a discord server you might ask, and rightfully so? Until a few days ago I thought that Discord was something only for gamers, but I was wrong. Discord is a place where people of similar interests can come together. Where you can talk to people like on a discussion board or in a forum. But it also has the possibility of audio and video chat in certain channels.

So what does that mean for A Swedish Fika?

I have tried to create a place with rooms for things directly connected to the podcast, like the discussion of earlier episodes, and topic suggestions among other things. I have also created some spaces for talk about Sweden, and some more general rooms.
I am still learning, but I think this can be developed into something really interesting.

How can I find it?

That part is really easy, all you have to do is follow the link below. If you are new to Discord it will ask you to create a user name and a password. After that, you will be in. I hope to see you all there soon.

A Swedish Fika on Discord

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