What has happened

The podcast influence my main YouTube channel

Creating this podcast and all work that is connected with it is now influencing my main YouTube channel. I am not talking about the video version of the podcast, no I have a main channel where I create tutorials about the internet and social media. On that channel, I am now focusing on making tutorials about podcasting. This is partly influenced by my podcast, but also by looking at my earlier tutorials where I have done some about podcasting before, and those are till this day the most popular videos on that channel.
So far I have done tutorials about 10 reasons why you should start a podcast, and how to find your podcast topic. I have planned a few more e g about different podcast formats, how to choose the right podcast host, and how to find your podcast name.

Is anybody listening to A Swedish Fika

As I said in earlier posts, I have no idea what type of numbers to expect for a new podcast, and as long as I get some listeners that is a win for me. I am still very much in the learning face of this, and with every episode, I must say that I get better at doing this. But let me share the numbers I got from my host, which by the way is Buzzspprout, and by following the link Buzzsprout knows A Swedish Fika sent you, you will get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and helps support our show. So now back to my numbers of total downloads

Not bad for a new podcast with such a narrow niche in my eyes.
The numbers for my videos are a bit harder to interpret since I also upload the short videos in the Swedish language 5 days a week to that channel but if I look at just the number of views on the first four episodes they are;

What Is A Swedish Fika 23 views
Sweden is not Switzerland 28 views
The Silent Swede 6 views
The Law of Jante 6 views

Not as well as the audio version, but I will keep on. I have decided that the last episode of season one will be on December 13, and after that, I will take a three-week break where I evaluate the value of the video version of the podcast and decide if season two will be an audio-only podcast or of I will continue on YouTube.

What have I learned this week?

The biggest change this week is how I edit my audio. I use a software called Audacity to record and edit my audio, and this week I feel that I am getting more familiar with the software. My time to edit an episode compared to week one is almost half, and I am more “at home” in the software.
I am still trying different solutions to get some more interactive sections on this website, and have not found anything that really tickles my bones so to say. I would like to set up something like a forum where anyone visiting the website can ask questions and share ideas for what you would like me to cover, but I want to find something that is really easy to use both for you and me.
I have also learned that I really love podcasting, maybe even more than video, and can’t see myself stopping any time soon. I have also learned about this particular podcast, that I want to move into a more edutainment (education + entertainment) way of approach and my upcoming episodes will hopefully have more of that flavor.

New ideas all the time

I have a tendency to always come up with new ideas and new projects when I am working on something creative like this. One of my ideas is to start writing some fun ebooks just for A Swedish Fika. Nothin serious, a few ideas I think about at the moment is

  • Handbook in being rude in Swedish
  • Persuasive Swearing in Swedish
  • Phrases for Flirting in Swedish

This is still just a very fresh idea in my mind but if you have any thoughts or interest in anything like that just leave a comment on this post, I would really appreciate your input.

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